HiB Vaccine Causes Type 1 Diabetes: BMJ Study

The twisting of statistics to give vaccine dangers a pass is stunning. Here is an example of a study claiming no statistically significant increase in type 1 diabetes from the HiB vaccine. However, careful perusal of their figures documents a completely different story.

by Heidi Stevenson

In a mind-boggling bit of double-speak, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published a study concluding no link between the HiB vaccine and diabetes, but with results clearly showing that such a link exists. It leaves little doubt that the HiB vaccine causes type 1 diabetes.

How did they manage this bit of prestidigitation? With statistics, of course.

The study examined three distinct groups of Finnish children:

  • Cohort 1: 128,936 children born between 1 October 1983 and 1 September 1985, 24 months before the Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) vaccine was given.
  • Cohort 2: 59, 238 children born between 1 October 1985 and 1 Septempter 1987 on odd-numbered days, given HiB vaccine at 3, 4, 6, and 14-18 months of age.
  • Cohort 3: 57,114 children born between 1 October 1985 and 1 Septempter 1987 on even-numbered days, given HiB vaccine only once at age 24 months.

To simplify: Cohort 1 did not receive the HiB vaccine. Cohort 2 received 4 doses of HiB by 18 months of age. Cohort 3 received a single dose at 24 months of age.

Here are the study’s results in tabular form:


Translating these figures into percentages:

  • Cohort 1 (no HiB vaccine): 0.34% got type 1 diabetes
  • Cohort 2 (4 HiB vaccines): 0.40% got type 1 diabetes
  • Cohort 3 (1 HiB vaccine): 0.37% got type 1 diabetes

Because the rates of type 1 diabetes are relatively low, the authors were able to state that there is no statistically significant difference in rates of type 1 diabetes among the three groups. In some situations, this is a valid approach. However, in this one, it most assuredly is not. What matters is the relationship between the groups, not the overall figures.

Therefore, it is reasonable to state:

  • The children who received a single dose of HiB vaccine were 8.8% more likely to develop type 1 diabetes than those who had no HiB vaccine.
  • The children who received 4 HiB vaccine doses were nearly 17.6% more likely to develop type 1 diabetes than those who had no HiB vaccine.

That is a significant finding, which adds up to thousands of children in Finland alone who now suffer from type 1 diabetes as a direct result of the vaccine program.

These authors have completely ignored a well-known fact: Adverse effects often don’t show up in small groups because they aren’t very common. Therefore, you must look at large numbers to see the reality. In this case, the reality is that the HiB vaccine is causing a huge number of children to develop type 1 diabetes.

Graph-age-of-diabetes-diagnosisThe graph to the left is from the BMJ report. It’s of only the two cohorts that received the HiB vaccine, but the distinction between them is clear. Children given more doses of the vaccine and given them earlier are significantly more likely to come down with type 1 diabetes.

But the children who didn’t get the HiB vaccine were less than half as likely to be diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (8.8% vs 17.6%).

Notice that, even here, statistical sleight of hand is used to disguise the results. Notice that the incidence is given in terms of person years? What does it mean that 300 cases of diabetes occur for each 100,000 person years? In fact, it means little. It does not tell you how many children develop diabetes. The only thing it shows is that children who received more doses of HiB vaccine were more likely to succumb to type 1 diabetes—but it doesn’t tell you how many more. This is a means of obfuscation, not elucidation.

True Implications

When instituting a program that will affect millions of people, these differences matter, and they matter a great deal. In the case of HiB vaccination in Finland alone—population of approximately 5.4 million andmore than 55,000 babies born each year—that means an additional 33 cases of type 1 diabetes per year. That’s year after year.

Now, consider that Finland’s birth rate is relatively low, but extrapolate that to the United States. With a population of 314 million, that’s about 58 times more people. The United States’ HiB vaccine schedule is almost the same as Finland’s. Giving the HiB vaccine in the US at the same rate as in Finland would mean that there are an additional 1,914 children developing type 1 diabetes each year.

That’s thousands of extra cases of type 1 diabetes—and that’s only counting through age 10! Year after year, thousands more children are developing type 1 diabetes as a result of the HiB vaccine. Any suggestion that it’s an unrealistic assessment flies in the face of what’s already known about how much more common the disease has become.

These children will likely lead shorter and less healthy lives circumscribed by their damaged health. Their neurological development is likely to be harmed, even lowering their intelligence and causing structural brain damage. We all know that diabetes causes neuropathic pain, blindness, and gangrene requiring limb amputations.

In my estimation, this study was nothing but junk science, a pseudo study designed to give the false impression that there’s no connection between the HiB vaccine and type 1 diabetes. However, the truth is clearly documented by the study’s own figures. Truly, one must wonder how the pseudo scientists, doctors, Big Pharma, governmental agencies, and vaccine-promoting foundations live with themselves.


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