A bit of wizardly conjuration involving the words “it is believed” can make things transmute from nice-ideas-if-they-work into facts—if they’re muttered with the correct intonation from the throats of state-sanctioned scientists. It is, at least, a nifty way to hide the fact that the rotavirus vaccine has caused new types of rotavirus.

Newborn, by SCA Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget
by Heidi Stevenson
A new study produced by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) documents that the rotavirus vaccine results in a new variety of rotavirus. The study’s authors report that the CDC operates the New Vaccine Surveillance Network that is concerned with acute gastroenteritis in children less than five years of age. They state:
This surveillance has detected the emergence of G12P[8] and G9P[8] rotavirus genotypes, as well as 3 reported instances of US children infected with G8P[4] rotavirus. During the 2009 winter season (December 2008–June 2009) in Rochester, New York, 54 (30%) of 183 enrolled children with acute gastroenteritis had rotavirus infection. Fifty (94%) of 51 rotavirus strains were typical US strains, with G or P antigens contained in the licensed rotavirus vaccines; 3 were G8P[4]. One strain, however, appeared to be an unusual reassortant not previously reported in human infection. We describe this novel rotavirus genotype, G14P[24], found along with enteric adenovirus in a stool sample from a child with diarrhea.[1]
To put it simply, in 2009 the survey uncovered a child with diarrhea (acute gastroenteritis infection) who had a new (novel) type of rotavirus infection. They labeled the new variety as G14P[24]. The child’s illness was indistinguishable from typical rotavirus infections.
Types of Rotavirus
In the United States, there is a limited number of rotavirus strains. They’re identified by two types of protein on the outer coat of the virus in structures called outer capsids. One is called G and the other P. Specific types are given numbers. The new rotavirus discovered is labeled G14P[24].
There are a total of 16 G-types and 28 P-types.[2] There are, therefore, a very large number of potential variations in rotaviruses, one for every possible G and P combination.
In the US, there are two brands of rotavirus vaccine: RotaTeq and Rotarix. RotaTeq contains antigens against G1, G2, G3, and G4 varieties[3], and Rotarix contains G1, G3, G4, and G9 varieties[4].
The CDC’s study states that, of the rotavirus strains circulating in the US, 85% have an antigen that’s included in one of the two vaccines. Oddly, there is no more discussion about what percent of the strains an individual vaccinated with either of the two licensed brands will have. It’s fairly obviously that no one could have protection against 85% of the strains.
They also tell us nothing about whether the baby who had the new variety of rotavirus had been vaccinated!
The New Variety of Rotavirus
The new strain of rotavirus is in the process of being genetically sequenced. However, much of the job has been accomplished, and what they’ve found is that this new, vaccine-induced variety of rotavirus appears to be a rearrangement of genes from equine, simian, human, and bovine rotaviruses. They go on to state:
[I]nterspecies transmission of both reassorted and nonreassorted animal viruses has been described. The emergence of unusual reassortant animal strains raises questions about the effectiveness of current rotavirus vaccines, which might share neither G nor P types with such viruses. [Emphasis mine.]
It’s clear that the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines is, at best, questionable. Next, the authors use a bit of magical thinking to wish the problem away:
However, immunity to rotavirus is believed to be polygenic and probably involves antigens in addition to G and P antigens. [Emphasis mine.]
Apparently, a bit of wizardly conjuration involving the words “it is believed” can make things transmute from nice-ideas-if-they-work into facts—if they’re muttered with the correct intonation from the throats of state-sanctioned scientists.
And More of Them!
Going back to the first quote in this article, we can see that G14P[24] is not the only new rotavirus variant to emerge. Types G12P[8], G9P[8], and G8P[4] have also been found by the CDC’s New Vaccine Surveillance Network. That’s a total of four new versions of rotavirus to which every child, vaccinated or unvaccinated, is now exposed.
Are these new varieties milder or worse? If experience is any indication, then they are more likely worse. Just consider MRSA, methycillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which is far more virulent than the original staph infection, or the new variety of whooping cough caused by vaccines, which is ten times more deadly than the disease vaccinated against.
That leads to the question: Why does the CDC bother to look for new disease that emerges as a result of vaccinations, if all they do with the information is hide it in plain sight? Apparently, the CDC wants a fall-back position, to be able to say, “Don’t worry your little heads about it. We’ve got it all under control. After all, we’ve been aware of these new diseases all along.”
And then, they can roll out the next vaccine campaign—the one for the diseases that they’ve created.
- Detection of Novel Rotavirus Strain by Vaccine Postlicensure Surveillance; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Elizabeth N. Teel, Slavica Mijatovic-Rustempasic, Daniel C. Payne, Sunando Roy, Kimberly Foytich, Umesh D. Parashar, Jon R. Gentsch, and Michael D. Bowen; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3201/eid1908.130470
- Diversity of G-type and P-type of human and animal rotaviruses and its genetic background; Communicating Current Research and Educational Topics and Trends in Applied Microbiology; Kobayashi, M. Ishino, Y-H. Wang, M. Chawla-Sarkar, T. Krishnan, and T.N. Naik (Page 4, Table 1)
- FDA RotaTeq approval document (Page 86, Table 27)
- Summary Basis for Regulatory Action – Rotarix